This is the last post in our 5-part series on ceiling microphone best practices. Tip #5, while seemingly the least important step in a ceiling mic installation, is actually one of the most crucial. This is where you discover whether or not all the work you’ve done up to this point was done correctly and to best effect for the space.
After the audio system has been set-up and everything is running smoothly as far as you can tell, make a test call to your office or Biamp’s Applications Engineering team to test the system for success. The test call will ensure that someone who knows what to listen for can give you final support and feedback on the success, or needs, of the installation for optimal audio quality.
You’ll find more information on Biamp’s CM1-6W and CM1-6WS ceiling mics on our website. Check back here often for upcoming information about ceiling mics and other trends in the AV industry. Thanks for being with us on this journey.