“Good is the enemy of great.” While author Jim Collins’ popular 2001 book Good to Great applies this concept to business management, the same core idea easily translates to conferencing. Many organizations are content with C+ meeting setups that do the job, and not much else. While the reasons vary from perceived ease of use, cost, and everything in between, the fact is these companies are doing themselves a disservice by settling for second (or third, or fourth) best.
Here are four common barriers that keep many businesses from achieving the truly great conferencing they deserve:
1. Equipment That Doesn’t “Talk” To Each Other
When it comes to the various components of the conferencing signal chain, teamwork makes the dream work. Every piece, from signal processors to microphones to speakers, needs to come together to deliver a singular experience. Unfortunately, many systems are constructed piecemeal with devices from multiple manufacturers, creating “solutions” built with products that speak similar languages, but not the same one. In order to achieve optimal conferencing, implement an option that utilizes as many devices as possible from the same manufacturer.
2. Trouble with Troubleshooting
Another common setback? How to fix a faulty device. Many traditional conference room installations, the miles of convoluted cabling used in their setup makes identifying a problem area a difficult, time-consuming task. A lack of technical knowledge on the part of employees will probably require a maintenance specialist to be called in, which can quickly become a costly proposition. To avoid these common pain points, consider adopting a solution that comes with a system management program that makes it easy for your team to notice hiccups before they become crises.
3. Prioritizing Video Over Audio
As we’ve said before, all too often organizations invest in crystal clear video while retaining audio solutions from the turn of the century. This is a mistake. Remember, while there are undeniable benefits to seeing who’s speaking on the other end of the line, sound is the foundation on which conferencing is built. All the 80” plasma screen presentations in the world can’t make up for not being able to hear or be heard clearly. Keep the focus firmly on quality, user-friendly audio solutions…everything else should come after.
4. Tech That’s “Good Enough”
Which brings us back to where we started: how “serviceable” often seems to win out over “excellent.” In conferencing, this can be due to multiple factors: lack of confidence in using the technology; the idea that advanced equals expensive; or the simple comfort that comes from using the same products for years on end.
The resistance to change resulting from the above is understandable, and likely due to negative experiences to which employees have been subjected. But by working with a reputable installer who knows that “advanced” doesn’t have to mean “pricey,” and that “comprehensive” and “user-friendly” aren’t mutually exclusive concepts, your business can finally enjoy the benefits of truly great conferencing that it deserves.