Posts tagged AVB

Audio Video Bridging (AVB) heralds the future of digital audio communications for facilities of all sizes.

InfoComm13 is a Wrap. Next Stop: ISE 2014.

InfoComm13 in Orlando has just wrapped, and if you were among the 35,000+ attendees, I hope you enjoyed the hot Orlando sun with a few thunderstorms sprinkled in there! (Now I remember why I live in Portland.) We enjoyed reconnecting with many familiar faces among our friends and colleagues. For us, InfoComm is one of…

AVB at InfoComm – Enough with the Hype

In my conversations with customers, I’m beginning to hear a recurring theme in relation to AVB (Audio Video Bridging): “I’ve been AVB’d to death. Enough with the hype – when will we see real product in action?” I can understand the frustration. It does feel as though we’ve been talking about AVB for a very…

Post-ISE Thoughts

Now that I’ve had some time to reflect on another ISE, I’m realizing that, despite the history of the show, this year seemed to be an entirely new show, for a few reasons.  As you probably read, “a 17% increase in attendance figures has seen Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) achieve the strongest performance of its…

Reinventing Yourself in the World of Convergence

The AV industry has seen many changes and innovations come along throughout the years. From the development of digital signal processing to protocol innovations such as AVB, these technological breakthroughs have heralded the biggest and most important change of all: the convergence of AV and IT. This change means adopting new ways of doing business…

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