Posts from the Cambridge Qt X sound masking category

Sound Masking Solutions for Call Centers: Improving Customer Support and Agent Performance

Call centers are a critical customer touchpoint, but they can also be challenging work environments. With numerous agents working in close proximity, background conversations and noise can be disruptive. Distractions lead to errors, reduced productivity, and frustration for both customers and agents. Implementing sound masking, which emits a gentle background sound that reduces speech intelligibility,…

Biamp Opens New Boston Office and Demo Space

Last week the Biamp team converged on its new office space in the Boston metro area along with customers and partners to host an official grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony at 800 District Ave., Suite 310, Burlington, Mass. The event began with opening remarks from CEO and Co-Chairman Rashid Skaf to a packed crowd. Skaf…

Strengthening Government Eavesdropping Protection

In today’s ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats and surveillance techniques, ensuring the security of sensitive government conversations is of utmost importance. Government agencies face the challenge of protecting classified information from eavesdropping attempts that exploit vulnerabilities in windows, walls, doors, ducts, and utility penetrations. This article explores these areas of concern and highlights the effectiveness…

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